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Carrot Seeds

Carrots are staple root vegetables that are versatile and ideal for growing in most gardens. Our range includes popular orange carrot seeds and yellow, white, red, and purple varieties.

Add compost improver to give the best start, and remember to feed those plants

We accept all major credit and debit cards

We accept all major credit and debit cards

2025 Premier Seeds Direct

    Your Cart
    Lettuce Little Gem
    1 X £1.09 = £1.09
    stacks of round, golf ball sized, bright orange carrots Remove
    Carrot Parisian Paris Market
    1 X £1.19 = £1.19
    bunch of long rooted, orange carrots in the garden on soil Remove
    Carrot Bangor F1
    1 X £1.39 = £1.39