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Climbing Pole Bean Kentucky Wonder


A trusted and reliable Heirloom variety producing vigorous rust resistant plants (180-240cm tall) which are tolerant to a wide variety of conditions. The crops are heavy with 18-22 cm pods of exceptional flavour which areoval, thick, gently curved, meaty, tender and string-less when young.  Beans are suitable for freezing.

455 in stock

SKU: BEA17 Categories: , , ,

Climbing Pole Bean Kentucky Wonder – Cultivation Advice

  • Beans are hungry crops that require ample organic matter dug in prior to sowing.
  • Sow in pots undercover in April for an earlier harvest or directly outside when all danger of frost has passed.
  • Protect young plants from pests.
  • Loosely tie in young plants to supports.
  • Feed once in flower with a high-potash fertiliser to prolong cropping.
  • Harvest Jun-Oct

Climbing Pole Bean Kentucky Wonder – Key Facts

Time to harvest: 12-14 weeks
Germination time: 7-14 days
Planting Depth: 5cm
Spacing, Row: 45cm
Spacing, Seeds: 15-22cm
Light: Sunny Location

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