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Bean Lima O Del Papa


A climbing variety producing an abundance of 7.5cm (3in) pods with bi-coloured beans which can be harvested as soon as the pods start to dry. Sow and care exactly as per runner beans.

  • Seed Count: 30

147 in stock

SKU: BEA04 Categories: ,

Bean Lima O Del Papa

Bean Lima O Del Papa. A climbing variety producing an abundance of 7.5cm (3in) pods with bi-coloured beans which can be harvested as soon as the pods start to dry. Sow and care exactly as per runner beans.

Cultivation Advice Bean Lima O Del Papa

  • Pre-prepare growing site with ample organic matter.
  • Sow in early spring under-cover in warmth a single seed 1in depth per pot.
  • Gradually harden off after all risk of frost has passed.
  • Alternatively plant direct outside after the soil temperature is above 50F in late spring.
  • Protect young plants from pests.
  • Ensure plants have support to ramble (canes / wire / netting).
  • Keep well watered whilst flowers are setting.
  • Pick regularly to encourage the plants to keep flowering.
  • To use rinse and wash dried beans.
  • Soak in cold water for 12 hours.
  • Bring to a fast boil. Slow cook for 1-1 1/2 hours.
  • Add salt when cooking is complete to keep beans soft.
  • Add to your favourite recipe hot or cold.

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