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Herb Welsh Onion (Allium Fistulosum)


A perennial member of the Onion family, Welsh onion take up very little space and can be used as both a vegetable & herb.

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Welsh Onion (Allium Fistulosum)

Welsh Onion (Allium Fistulosum). A perennial member of the Onion family, Welsh onion take up very little space and can be used as both a vegetable & herb.

Cultivation Advice Welsh Onion (Allium Fistulosum)

  • Sow under cover from early spring or directly outdoors from late April.
  • Seeds germinate in 10-14 days at 15-20c soil temp.
  • Gradually harden off and plant outdoors after 5-6 weeks with 10cm between plants.
  • Prefers full sun to partial shade and a moist growing medium rich in organic matter.
  • The leaves can be harvested as per chives.
  • The onions can be lifted and used whole.
  • Do not harvest in the first year until early autumn in order the plant can get established.

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