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Dill Bouquet Anethum Graveolens


Hardy annual herb with strongly aromatic foliage, stems, and heads. Growing up to 1m tall, Dill makes an attractive background plant in flower beds, producing umbels of yellow flowers which turn into umbrella-like seed heads that flower summer to autumn. Dill can be used fresh or dry to flavour many kinds of food.  Leaves add zest to salads, soups, sauces, fish, omelettes and vegetables. Stems and seeds flavour pickled cucumbers, vegetables, and salad dressings.


Dill Bouquet Anethum Graveolens – Growing Instructions

  • Sow directly outdoors in spring through early summer after danger of frost has passed.
  • Barely cover seed, as it requires light to germinate – planting depth 2mm.
  • Plant in full sun, protected from strong winds and in well-drained soil.
  • Thin to 15cm apart when plants are 5cm high. Transplant thinned plants.
  • Save both seeds and leaves. Pick leaves continually. Harvest as seed starts to ripen.
  • Pick on a dry summer day after seeds have formed. Hang in cool, well-ventilated room.
  • Dry large heads and gently rub the seeds, then seal in jars for later use. Store in airtight containers.
  • Leaves can be frozen for later use.

Dill Bouquet Anethum Graveolens – Key Facts

Days To Maturity:  65
Days To Germination: 14 -21
Planting Depth:   1/16 to 1/8 inch
Spacing: 18-20 inches
Light:  Full Sun

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