Vegetable Sweetcorn – Swift F1

Sweetcorn Swift F1. An early maturing, super sweet tender sweet corn with a delicious flavour.  Perfect on more exposed sites with is compact dwarf habit and improved performance in cooler UK soils.   Produces 2-3 cobs per plant (21cm – 8” in length).

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Sweetcorn Swift F1

Sweetcorn Swift F1. An early maturing, super sweet tender sweet corn with a delicious flavour.  Perfect on more exposed sites with is compact dwarf habit and improved performance in cooler UK soils.   Produces 2-3 cobs per plant (21cm – 8” in length).

Cultivation advice Sweetcorn Swift F1

  • Ensure the growing location has good drainage and enough humus to ensure the ground will not dry too quickly.
  • Sow in early spring under cover in 3in pots 1in deep for the earliest crop at a minimum temp of 50F, warmth will aid germination rates.  Harden off before planting out.  Alternatively sow directly outside in late spring allowing 18in between plants and 18in between rows.
  • Sweet corn must be planted in blocks, not as a single row to ensure good pollination.
  • Cover any roots that appear at the base with mulch or old compost to retain moisture.
  • Do not allow the crop to dry out during hot weather whilst flowering.
  • Each plant will produce 1-2 cobs, test for ripeness when the silks have turned chocolate brown.
  • A creamy liquid should come from the grains when squeezed, when fully ripe.