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Turnip Norfolk Green


An English Heirloom variety dating back to the 16th Century, producing larger turnips with a deep cut leaf and green collar / shoulders. The texture is finer than many modern types with an excellent mellow taste.

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Turnip Norfolk Green

Turnip Norfolk Green is an English Heirloom variety dating back to the 16th Century, producing larger turnips with a deep cut leaf and green collar / shoulders. The texture is finer than many modern types with an excellent mellow taste.

Cultivation Advice Turnip Norfolk Green

  • Sow direct to bed outdoors avoiding freshly manured areas as soon as soil is workable in early spring.
  • Sow a second crop in late summer for an autumn harvest. Cover seeds with 1/4 inch fine soil. Space rows 15 to 18 inches apart.
  • When young seedlings are 2 to 4 inches tall, thin to 4 to 6 inches apart.
  • Germination takes 10 to 14 days or longer, depending upon soil and weather conditions.
  • Harvest when turnips are no larger than 2 inches in diameter. Greens can be harvested when young and tender.

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