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Sunflower – Autumn Beauty Organic


Sunflower Autumn Beauty is a stunning mix of warm earthen shades of large multi-headed 4 to 8 inch blossoms on 6-8’ strong stemmed plants.  Makes an ideal cut flower as well as an ideal background planting for borders in the garden. Autumn Beauty colours are a mixture of reds, browns, mahogany, orange & gold.


Sunflower – Autumn Beauty Organic

Sunflower Autumn Beauty is a stunning mix of warm earthen shades of large multi-headed 4 to 8 inch blossoms on 6-8’ strong stemmed plants.  Makes an ideal cut flower as well as an ideal background planting for borders in the garden. Autumn Beauty colours are a mixture of reds, browns, mahogany, orange & gold.

Cultivation advice Sunflower – Autumn Beauty Organic

  • Days To Germination:  14-21 days Optimum Soil Temp. for Germination: 68F-86F Planting Depth: 1/4  inch  Spacing, Seed: 4-6 inch  Spacing, Plant: 24-36 inches Plant Height: 6-8 ft  Light:  Full Sun
  • Seeds can be started indoors 3 to 4 weeks before last spring frost. Or direct-sow seeds outside after all danger of frost has passed to a depth of 1/4 inch. Can be sown as late as 100 days before last frost.
  • When seedlings are 2 to 3 inches high, thin to individual pots. Replant thinned plants.
  • Protect from Snails / Slugs whilst young.
  • Steadily harden off before planting out after all danger of frost has passed.
  • May require staking / support in exposed postions.

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