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Stocks Dwarf Ten Week


One of the most beautiful annuals producing compact, bushy and easy to raise plants with a glorious fragrance which are ideal for bedding, growing en-mass  in the border or as cut flowers.

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Stocks Dwarf Ten Week

Stocks Dwarf Ten Week. One of the most beautiful annuals producing compact, bushy and easy to raise plants with a glorious fragrance which are ideal for bedding, growing en-mass  in the border or as cut flowers. The large, showy highly fragrant flower spikes come in a range of pinks, purples, creams, whites and yellows. Height: 20-25cm

Cultivation Advice Stocks Dwarf Ten Week

  • Best sown from early summer 6mm (¼in) deep in trays, do not exclude light, which is beneficial to germination.
  • Prick out into trays or pots when large enough to handle and overwinter providing good ventilation.
  • Harden off and plant out in the spring at 30- 38cm (12-15in) apart.
  • In mild sheltered areas the plants can be transferred to their flowering positions in early autumn provided soil is well drained.

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