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Sprouting Chick Pea


A very easy and fast seed to sprout producing a very tasty and nutty sprout packed with Vitamins A & C.   Perfect added fresh and raw in salads, hummus and sandwiches.


Sprouting Chick Pea

Sprouting Chick Pea . A very easy and fast seed to sprout producing a very tasty and nutty sprout packed with Vitamins A & C.   Perfect added fresh and raw in salads, hummus and sandwiches.

Cultivation advice Sprouting Chick Pea

  • Soak the seeds overnight in water.
  • Rinse seeds in morning.
  •  Can be placed on a tray and covered with a cloth or placed in s standard sprouting jar / tray.
  • Leave on kitchen side / somewhere warm, no light required.
  • After 12 hrs rinse the seeds under fresh water again and return to tray container.
  •  A few may be showing a small sprout.
  • Repeat rinsing every 12 hrs.
  • After 48 hrs the majority should have a small shoot about the same length as the seed diameter.
  •  If not leave for another day.
  • When large enough for your taste, place in a sealed container in the fridge for use.
  • Only sprout enough for 2-3 days use on each occasion.

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We accept all major credit and debit cards

2024 Premier Seeds Direct

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