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Radish Crimson Giant


Crimson to scarlet skinned, the golf-ball sized roots are globe to top-shaped and one of the largest you can grow, remaining tender, crisp, and mild despite their size. A must for every allotment and veg patch alike.

  • Seed Count: 8 gm

686 in stock

SKU: RAD05 Categories: ,

Radish Crimson Giant – Growing Instructions

  • Plant outside in full sun from spring onwards as early as soil can be loosened and worked. Plant 1 seed every inch lightly covering with soil. These plants get large so do not sow thickly.
  • When plants have 3 leaves, thin to 3-4 inches apart keeping weed free. Thinnings can be used for both leaves and roots.
  • Best sown at 4 week intervals for a continuous harvest.

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