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Orlaya Grandiflora


Orlaya Grandiflora, commonly known as white lace flower, is a captivating annual plant that has large clusters of pure white flowers, measuring between 8 to 12 cm across. The delicate, lace-like blooms emerge throughout the summer months and are held above a fern-like foliage.

  • Seed Count: 100 Seeds

672 in stock

SKU: ORL01F Categories: , ,

Orlaya Grandiflora – Cultivation Advice

  1. These seeds need to be sown either in the spring (after the danger of frosts) or in the autumn.
  2. Sowing the seeds indoors – sow seeds onto moistened growing medium and lightly cover with soil.
  3. Alternatively, sow directly outdoors between March-May by scattering seeds and lightly pressing them into the soil.
  4. Keep newly sown areas consistently watered until the seedlings are established.
  5. Once the seedlings have developed a couple of sets of true leaves, thin them out.
  6. Transplant them outside after the risk of frosts to spacing of approximately 30cm.

Orlaya Grandiflora – Key Facts

Sowing Months: March-May or August-September
Days To Germination: 21-30 days
Optimum Soil Temperature: 18-22c
Planting Depth: 5mm
Plant Height: 50-75cm
Plant Spacing: 30cm
Light: Full sun or partial shade

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