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Oenothera Speciosa Evening Primrose


A particularly lovely perennial plant for the border, in contrast to its yellow cousin this evening primrose produces silky white to dark pink flowers, up to 2½ ins. across, which darken in shade after opening, leaving some blooms with a beautiful flushed effect. Starting out as nodding buds, flowers emerge from long tubes in the upper leaf axils. The huge stamens at the center of the flower are bright yellow. The flowers open during the day and are scented at night. 1½-2½ ft.

Oenothera Speciosa Evening Primrose

A particularly lovely perennial plant for the border, in contrast to its yellow cousin this evening primrose produces silky white to dark pink flowers, up to 2½ ins. across, which darken in shade after opening, leaving some blooms with a beautiful flushed effect. Starting out as nodding buds, flowers emerge from long tubes in the upper leaf axils. The huge stamens at the center of the flower are bright yellow. The flowers open during the day and are scented at night. 1½-2½ ft.

Cultivation advice Oenothera Speciosa Evening Primrose

  • Sow late winter to mid spring at 10-15C (50-60F) on the surface of fine seed compost and cover with a very fine sprinkling.
  • Ensure the soil is damp but not wet.
  • Sealing in a polythene bag until after germination assists to retain moisture, usually 14-21 days.
  • Exclude light until germination starts.
  • When seedlings are large enough to handle, transplant to grow on. Plant out after all risk of frost has passed 30cm (12in) between plants in full sun and ordinary well drained soil.

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