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Linum Grandiflorum Rubrum Scarlet Flax


A stunning easy to grow hardy garden annual which delivers a fantastic display of brilliant blood  red flowers from mid-summer through to late autumn.

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Linum Grandiflorum Rubrum Scarlet Flax

Linum Grandiflorum Rubrum Scarlet Flax. A stunning easy to grow hardy garden annual which delivers a fantastic display of brilliant blood red flowers from mid-summer through to late autumn.  Height: 35-45cm (15-18in).  Can be sown late autumn for the earliest spring displays

 Cultivation Advice Linum Grandiflorum Rubrum Scarlet Flax

  • Sow direct to the growing location or container where they are to flower in spring, or late summer for over-wintering in southern counties.
  • Sow thinly on soil that has been raked to a fine tilth and cover rake in lightly 2-3mm depth. .
  • Thin young seedlings to 8-10cm apart.
  • Best in full sun on light well drained soil.

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