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Mint Egyptian Round Leaf


One of the best varieties to grow producing sweeter and more flavourful leaves than other types.  Similar to Apple mint, however the plants are far more robust reaching 60-90cm with large velvety green-grey leaves and less invasive.  Best grown in rich, moist soil and partial shade and produces lilac and cream flowers in late summer.

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Mint Egyptian Round Leaf – Growing Instructions

  • For an early harvest, start seeds indoors in April or sow outdoors in May through July in a sunny location with well-drained soil. Barely cover seed with 1/8 – 1/4 inch of fine soil.
  • Thin and transplant when seedlings are 2 inches high. When starting seeds indoors, do not plant outdoors until danger of frost is past.
  • Set plants approximately 12-18 inches apart.
  • Plant in part sun and shade. Likes moist, but not continually wet soil.
  • Harvest begins when plants reach 12 inches. Harvest leaves continually to encourage new growth.

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