Lettuce Tom Thumb
Lettuce Tom Thumb. A wonderful miniature lettuce producing compact solid butterheads with deliciously soft sweet leaves. Ideal for smaller spaces.Grow as close as 15cm (6in.) Apart and makes a useful early crop in a cold frame or cloches. Very fast growing, from an early spring sowing it will be the first variety to harvest. Easily grown indoors or out, and takes about 50 days from seed to harvest.
Cultivation Advice Lettuce Tom Thumb
- Lettuce is hardy and can be planted as soon as the soil can be worked.
- You can seed direct, 3 seeds every 8 inches in rows 8-12 inches apart,
- as early as the soil can be worked or grown indoors 3-4 weeks before transplanting outdoors.
- Cover seed lightly with about 1/8 inch of fine soil, and firm soil gently.
- Thin young seedlings to one plant per spot.
- Sow every 3 weeks for a continuous supply of fresh lettuce.
- Seeds germinate even at low 40-degree F soil temperature, but poorly above 75-85-degree F.
- In dry weather, keep soil moist.
- To test whether the heads are ready to harvest,
- press them gently with the back of the hand,
- they will feel solid and barely yield to pressure.