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Green Manure White Clover


White clover makes an excellent long term green manure, best suited for sowing between long standing crops such as Soft fruit. A blend of short and tall varieties which can be cut back and spreads by a network of creeping stems close to the surface which fix the beneficial nitrogen. Will last between 2-5 years if required but does not thrive in extremely dry areas or periods. Frost tolerant, it also makes an excellent weed suppressant. Best sown Mar – Aug @ 1-2 gm per Sq. M. A favourite for tortoises.

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Green Manure White Clover

Green Manure White Clover makes an excellent long term green manure, best suited for sowing between long standing crops such as Soft fruit. A blend of short and tall varieties which can be cut back and spreads by a network of creeping stems close to the surface which fix the beneficial nitrogen. Will last between 2-5 years if required but does not thrive in extremely dry areas or periods. Frost tolerant, it also makes an excellent weed suppressant. Best sown Mar – Aug @ 1-2 gm per Sq. M. A favourite for tortoises.

Cultivation Advice Green Manure White Clover

Type: Hardy Annual

Time to Germinate: 14-24 Days

Position/ Light: Full Sun

Sow outside – March- August


  • Sow from Mar through to end of Aug. Scatter thinly and lightly rake in to prepared area.
  • Can be trimmed down if required / does not appreciate heavy strimming.
  • Best suited to medium to moist soil locations / avoid dry conditions.

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