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Zinnia Aztec Burgundy Bi-Colour


An unusual zinnia colour combination of deep rose and burgundy 1 ½ inch double flowers on vigorous plants.  Long stems perfect in a border or for cutting.  Deadhead to encourage repeat flowering.

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Zinnia Aztec Burgundy Bi-Colour

An unusual zinnia colour combination of deep rose and burgundy 1 ½ inch double flowers on vigorous plants.  Long stems perfect in a border or for cutting.  Deadhead to encourage repeat flowering.

 Cultivation advice Zinnia Aztec Burgundy Bi-Colour

  •  Sow thinly under-cover 4-6 weeks in good quality seed compost prior to the last frost at 70 F.   Lightly cover with soil and keep moist.
  • Germination in 5 -10 days.
  • Can be sown outdoors in well drained soil in early summer, but seedlings will need protection from pests and warmth.
  • When large enough to handle thin & transplant to trays and grow on under cooler conditions.
  • For bushier growth, pinch back young plants.
  • Feed monthly.
  • Remove faded blossoms to prolong flowering.

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