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Turnip – Purple Top White Globe


Turnip Purple Top White Globe, is sweet and mild and can be grown for both its greens and roots. The very tasty, sweet and mild roots are eaten fresh or cooked like potatoes. The greens are even more nutritious and are considered one of best flavours in the greens category. Purple Top White Globes store particularly well.

  • Seed Count: 4000

1240 in stock

SKU: TUR03 Categories: ,

Turnip Purple Top White Globe

Turnip Purple Top White Globe, is sweet and mild and can be grown for both its greens and roots. The very tasty, sweet and mild roots are eaten fresh or cooked like potatoes. The greens are even more nutritious and are considered one of best flavours in the greens category. Purple Top White Globes store particularly well.

Cultivation Advice Turnip Purple Top White Globe

  • Sow direct to bed outdoors avoiding freshly manured areas as soon as soil is workable in early spring.
  • Sow a second crop in late summer for an autumn harvest.
  • Cover seeds with 1/4 inch fine soil. Space rows 15 to 18 inches apart.
  • When young seedlings are 2 to 4 inches tall, thin to 4 to 6 inches apart.
  • Germination takes 10 to 14 days or longer, depending upon soil and weather conditions.
  • Harvest when turnips are no larger than 2 inches in diameter.
  • Greens can be harvested when young and tender.

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