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Tomato Cherry Artisan Purple Bumblebee


Artisan Purple Bumble Bee is an indeterminate cherry tomato variety sure to create excitement with its extraordinary beauty and superb flavour. The fruits are deep maroon, almost purple colouration with green stripes.

SKU: Rng_390954752120 Categories: , ,

Tomato Cherry Artisan Purple Bumblebee

Tomato Cherry Artisan Purple Bumblebee. Is an exciting new series of open pollinated 2-3cm  (20-25 Gram) round cherry tomato varieties, which are best for greenhouse production or outdoor growing in warm, sunny and sheltered spots.  Their distinctive stripes and stunning rich colours make them ideal for summer salads with a sweet flavour and resistance to cracking. Artisan Purple Bumble Bee is an indeterminate cherry tomato variety sure to create excitement with its extraordinary beauty and superb flavour The fruits are deep maroon, almost purple colouration with green stripes.

Cultivation Advice Tomato Cherry Artisan Purple Bumblebee

  • Sow in spring 1/16 inch deep.  Germination takes around 6-14 days at 65-75F.
  • Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 3 inch pots.
  • Grow on under cooler conditions and when about 8 inches tall, b
  • est planted in their growing position in the greenhouse
  • or gradually acclimatise them to outdoor conditions and plant out 18 inches apart in a warm,
  • sheltered and sunny spot in moist, fertile well drained soil and keep watered.

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