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Flower Salvia Splendens Scarlet Piccolo


One of the most stunning types of annuals, salvia Scarlet Piccolo’ produces a dense display of spiked brilliant scarlet flowers that are tubular in form and encased in bracts of the same colour.  The plants are compact with attractive lush leaves and will flower over  along period.

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Flower Salvia Scarlet Piccolo

One of the most stunning types of annuals, salvia Scarlet Piccolo’ produces a dense display of spiked brilliant scarlet flowers that are tubular in form and encased in bracts of the same colour.  The plants are compact with attractive lush leaves and will flower over  along period.  Young plants are a favourite of snails and slugs and will need protection. Height and spread: 25 cm

Cultivation advice Flower Salvia Scarlet Piccolo

  • Sow from Jan onwards indoors or heated undercover at 21-27 C (70-80 F) on the surface of a good fine seed compost and gently firm down (do not cover).
  • Keep soil moist but not wet.
  • These usually take 10-21 days. Shade from direct sunlight.
  • When large enough to handle, transplant to trays and grow on in cooler conditions with plenty of ventilation.
  • Gradually acclimatise before planting out after all risk of frost.
  • Dead head throughout the season to prolong flowering.

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