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Vegetables Rhubarb – Victoria


Victoria Rhubarb is one of the largest, most productive and easiest Rhubarbs to raise from seed and can be harvested in one year after sowing.  Victoria is also very popular as a forcing type of Rhubarb and produces juicy, medium sized green stalks and greenish-red coloured leaves.  First recorded in 1837 in England.  18-24″ tall .

  • Seed Count: 100

2478 in stock

SKU: RHU01 Categories: ,


  • Soak seeds for an hour before planting.
  • Sow 2 seeds per pot in good quality soil based compost at 5mm deep at a minimum temperature of 70 F to ensure good germination.
  • Once germinated move to a well lit cooler location.
  • At around 60 days thin to the strongest plant and acclimatize to outdoor conditions.
  • When 6-8 inches in height plant out to their final growing position in good light with ample organic matter dug in.
  • Plants should achieve 12 inches in height at the end of the first season.

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