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Lychnis – Rose Campion Angels Blush


Also known as Rose campion this short-lived perennial forms a low mound of felted silvery-grey leaves, bearing upright stems in summer with loads of round white flowers, with a blush of baby pink in the centre.


Lychnis – Rose Campion Angels Blush

Lychnis – Rose Campion Angels Blush. Also known as Rose campion this short-lived perennial forms a low mound of felted silvery-grey leaves, bearing upright stems in summer with loads of round white flowers, with a blush of baby pink in the centre. Readily self-seeds and new seedlings can be moved early spring / late autumn. Drought tolerant once established. Height 75cm. Spread 45cm.

Cultivation Advice: Lychnis – Rose Campion Angels Blush

  • Surface sow under cover onto moist well-drained fine seed compost.
  • Press seeds lightly into soil but do not cover. Light is needed for germination.
  • Germination 10-20 days @ 20°C.
  • Transplant seedlings when they have 2 sets of true leaves to 8cm pots.
  • Acclimatise and plant out once danger of frost has passed.
  • Prefers moist fertile soil in sun or partial shade.
  • Cut back after flowering to encourage further blooms and to prevent self-seeding. Will self-seed freely.

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