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Pea Purple Mangetout Snow Pea Shiraz


Pea Purple Mangetout Snow Pea Shiraz. A stunning new British Bred purple Mangetout Pea with attractive bi-coloured flowers almost good enough for the flower border. The bright purple pods are best harvested when young and sweet, eaten raw, steamed or added to stir frys. The purple pods are high in healthy anthocyanin (antioxidant) pigment, although the colour will fade to dark green if the pods are steamed or fried. Height: 100cm.

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Pea Purple Mangetout Snow Pea Shiraz

Pea Purple Mangetout Snow Pea Shiraz. A stunning new British Bred purple Mangetout Pea with attractive bi-coloured flowers almost good enough for the flower border. The bright purple pods are best harvested when young and sweet, eaten raw, steamed or added to stir frys. The purple pods are high in healthy anthocyanin (antioxidant) pigment, although the colour will fade to dark green if the pods are steamed or fried. Height: 100cm.

Cultivation advice Pea Purple Mangetout Snow Pea Shiraz

  • Plant where peas have not been grown for 2 seasons, digging in well rotted organic matter.
  • Sow from early Mar 2” deep in 6” wide rows 2 inches apart.
  • The distance between the rows should equal the expected height of the variety.
  • Avoid sowing during any cold or very wet periods
  • Protect immediately from birds.
  • Keep weed free.
  • Provide support by 3 inches tall.
  • Start picking the pods just as the peas inside start to form, early and regular picking will also improve the cropping and flavour of the peas.

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