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Passion Flower – (Passiflora Caerulea)


The hardiest and most commonly grown type of Passion Flower in Northern Europe, producing large displays of stunning white and blue flowers, 3 or 4 ins across with a slight fragrance. Will need some shelter and protection in northern UK locations.  Can reach 10 m with support.

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Passion Flower – (Passiflora Caerulea)

The hardiest and most commonly grown type of Passion Flower in Northern Europe, producing large displays of stunning white and blue flowers, 3 or 4 ins across with a slight fragrance. Will need some shelter and protection in northern UK locations.  Can reach 10 m with support.

Cultivation advice Passion Flower – (Passiflora Caerulea)

  • Can be sown early indoors from Feb,
  • Sow in well drained seed compost with added drainage added and barely cover the seed.
  • Requires a minimum temp of 68 F, preferable 75 F.  Germination may be erratic, and seeds may germinate up to 3 weeks apart, therefore prick out seeds as they appear and grow on.
  • Gradually harden seedling off after all danger of frost has passed.  If possible, the first season is best in a container in order they can be brought under cool glass for the winter, planting out to the final growing position in a sheltered sunny location the following season.


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