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Pansy – Clear Crystal Black


Pansy Clear Crystal Black is a stunning large flowered variety.  Producing almost pure black velvet flowers with no eye.  The flowers of pansies are edible. All pansies are generally biennials, but the annual culture is recommended.

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Pansy Clear Crystal Black

Pansy Clear Crystal Black is a stunning large flowered variety.  Producing almost pure black velvet flowers with no eye.  The flowers of pansies are edible. All pansies are generally biennials, but the annual culture is recommended. Sow early in the spring, if necessary in an unheated greenhouse, prick out or transplant directly from the seedbed to the final spot.

Cultivation Advice Pansy Clear Crystal Black

  • For earliest color, sow seeds in warmth 6 to 8 weeks before last frost covering seeds with 1/16 inch fine soil. Germination takes 10-20 days with the seeds needing darkness to germinate.
  • Keep soil moderately moist during germination
  • For later blooms sow directly outdoors in mid spring after danger of serious frost has passed. Seeds can also be sown outdoors in late summer or earliest fall in mild winter areas.
  • Gradually acclimatize young plants outdoors after all frosts have passed, planting out 6-8 inches between plants.


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