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A familiar and attractive grassland perennial found in meadows, grass verges and railway embankments.  It flourishes  in well drained poor to medium rich soils.  The 12—18in plants produce a single flower of white petals surrounding a yellow eye between late may and early Sep.  The plant spreads via seeding producing up to 400 seeds per flower head.  In dense meadows it will need other aggressive species kept in check and will benefit from scarifying on a bi-annual basis.

The open flower heads of Ox-eye daisy attract a large range of pollinating insects particularly bees, butterflies and hoverflies.

SKU: rng_ORGANIC WILD FLOWER OX EYE DAISY_2019101716553356 Categories: , ,

Cultivation advice Wild Flower – Ox Eye Daisy Organic

  • For cultivation under cover for more formal planting the following year sow in Aug / Sep.
  • Sow finely in trays and barely cover with temperature between 15-20C.  Do not exclude light.
  • Germination in 15-30 days in correct conditions.
  • When large enough to handle transplant to trays, grow on, gradually hardening off planting out in spring after all danger of frost has passed.
  • If deadheaded you will get a second flush of blooms
  • For meadows and drifts of colour the seed can be broadcast sown.
  • Scatter seed extremely thinly on clear broken soil from Mar to May or if in a grassed area the ground must be scarified to reduce competition and well watered in.
  • Allow the plants to set seed before cutting down or disturbing the area.  Mowing / cutting down in late autumn will aid growth the following year.

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