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Sprouting Seeds – Rocket Cultivated Organic


These Cultivated Rocket sprouts give a zesty, spicy, and refreshing taste as a garnish to any dish. They’re easy and quick to grow and will keep in your fridge for five days after cutting. We prefer using these straight from picking on top of a tomato pasta dish. They can grow 5-7cm tall and should be ready in 7-10 days. Happy growing!

SKU: Rng_390934636985 Category:

Organic Sprouting Seeds Rocket Cultivated

These Cultivated Rocket sprouts give a zesty, spicy, and refreshing taste as a garnish to any dish. They’re easy and quick to grow and will keep in your fridge for five days after cutting. We prefer using these straight from picking on top of a tomato pasta dish. They can grow 5-7cm tall and should be ready in 7-10 days. Happy growing!

Cultivation Advice Organic Sprouting Seeds Rocket Cultivated

  • You may notice a soft water gel shell has formed around your seeds, these protect the seed and maintain moisture levels throughout their growth.
  • Place in growing medium (we recommend Coco Substrate) in any tray or container, you can even use old eggshells!
  • Cover with a blackout tray and leave for 2 days at this stage you can also weigh the seeds down if desired to help produce healthy and strong roots .
  • Uncover and then set somewhere in low light at room temperature, you should see shoots within five days.
  • When ready, transfer your sprout crop to a container and refrigerate. They’re best eaten fresh but will store for up to 5 days if they are dry.

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