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Mesembryanthemum Pastel Mixed


A traditional bedding favorite, producing masses of stunningly bright coloured daisy-like flowers in a wide variety of pastel shades over fleshy foliage from early in the season.

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Mesembryanthemum Pastel Mixed

Mesembryanthemum Pastel Mixed. A traditional bedding favorite, producing masses of stunningly bright coloured daisy-like flowers in a wide variety of pastel shades over fleshy foliage from early in the season.  Perfect for drier locations and thrives on full sun and poorer soils.  Easy to grow.

Cultivation Advice Mesembryanthemum Pastel Mixed

  • Sow from 6-8 weeks before the last frost onto the surface of a free-draining, open structured, fine sowing compost and germinate under cover.
  • Cover trays with clear or milky polythene to maintain humidity, until the first seedlings are visible.
  • Germination takes around 7-10 days at 15-20C (not warmer as higher temperatures depress germination).
  • Keep the germinating seedlings moist at all times.
  • After around 5 weeks, plant the seedlings on to trays and plant out after all danger of frost has passed.
  • Protect young plants from slugs and snails

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