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Lettuce – Classio


A high yielding coral-type lettuce that produces an abundance of flavourful leaves. Great to add to salads, this lettuce has crinkled, shiny leaves that will add texture and colour to your plate. Reasonably tolerant to bolting.

  • Seed Count: 20 seeds

57 in stock

SKU: LET18 Categories: , ,

Lettuce – Classio – Growing Instructions

  1. Sow under glass or directly outside between March-July.
  2. Sow the seeds on moist compost and lightly cover.
  3. Space the rows 30-40cm apart.
  4. Use the leaves when thinning for baby leaves.
  5. Water regularly to prevent the plants from bolting.
  6. For continuous crops, re-sow every 2-3 weeks.

Key Facts – Lettuce – Classio

Sowing Months Outdoors: March-August
Days To Germination: 7-14 days
Optimum Soil Temperature: 14c+
Plant spacing: 30-40cm
Light: Full sun

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