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Herb Korean Mint – Agastache rugosa – Violet


An attractive perennial producing eye-catching long spikes on tall stalks of numerous whorls of purple-blue flowers. Great as a cut flower or bold clump forming plant for the border as well.  The leaves have an anise like scent and flavour and much prized for flavouring meats, sauces and drinks. Will flower the first season from an early sowing.  90cm

SKU: Rng_394441645050 Categories: , , ,

Herb Korean Mint – Agastache rugosa – Violet

An attractive perennial producing eye-catching long spikes on tall stalks of numerous whorls of purple-blue flowers. Great as a cut flower or bold clump forming plant for the border as well.  The leaves have an anise like scent and flavour and much prized for flavouring meats, sauces and drinks. Will flower the first season from an early sowing.  90cm

 Cultivation advice Herb Korean Mint – Agastache rugosa – Violet

  • Sow indoors or propagator 6-8 weeks before the last frost date.
  • Can be sown outdoors after all danger of frost has passed.
  • Sown thinly and barely cover the seeds.
  • Thin & transplant when large enough to handle and grow on in cooler conditions.
  • Prefers full sun to part shade.
  • Readily self seeds if flowering stems are left to maturity.


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