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Gypsophila – Elegans Mixed


A delightful annual for the border also known as “Baby’s breath”, producing blankets of delicate flowers in a mixture of shell-pink and white shades, splendid for cut flowers.

Gypsophila Elegans Mixed

Gypsophila Elegans Mixed. A delightful annual for the border also known as “Baby’s breath”, producing blankets of delicate flowers in a mixture of shell-pink and white shades, splendid for cut flowers. Can also be grown as flowering pot plants, in drifts or planted to cascade down steep banks or dry walls, flowers early summer. Height around 45cm (18in).

Cultivation Advice Gypsophila Elegans Mixed 

  • Sow early spring in trays or outdoors where they are to flower.
  • Prepare the ground well and rake to a fine tilth before sowing.
  • Sow 3mm (1/8in) deep in rows 30cm (12in) apart. Germination usually takes place approximately 21 days.
  • When large enough to handle thin out and transplant to 30cm (12in) apart.

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