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Flower Marigold Kilimanjaro African


A distinctive white variety of African marigold producing delightful vanilla white medium sized flowers on strong stems.

SKU: Rng_281181530499 Categories: , ,

Flower Marigold Kilimanjaro African

Flower Marigold Kilimanjaro African. A distinctive white variety of African marigold producing delightful vanilla white medium sized flowers on strong stems (50cm tall)

Cultivation Advice African Marigold Kilimanjaro

  • For early bloom, start indoors in a sunny window, or under cover with warmth 4-6 weeks before transplanting outdoors.
  • Planting depth 1/4 to 1/2 inch.
  • Thin and transplant to trays when large enough to handle,
  • growing on under cooler conditions and steadily acclimatising outside after all danger of frost has passed.
  • Protect from slugs and snails whilst young.
  • May require staking when fully mature. Best in a warm sunny position with well-drained soil.

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