Cucumber Early Spring Burpless F1 – Growing Instructions
Type: Half-Hardy Annual
Temperature Required: 21-25°c
Time to Germinate: 7-14 Days
Days to Maturity: 55-65 Days
Position/ Light: Full Sun
- Sowing Seed Depth: ½- 1″ (13-25mm)
- Sow indoors: from 5 Weeks before last frost.
- Spacing in beds : Trellised, 18″, on ground 36″.
- Watering: Moderate until flowering, heavy from flowering to harvest.
- Sow under cover (protected / heated) from Mid spring, 3-4 seeds 1in deep in a 3in pot in good compost, and thin later to the best one or two plants per clump. (These will not germinate or thrive in cold / damp conditions, use a propagator or warm windowsill)
- Transplant no later than 3 weeks after seeding as cucumbers have a tap root that can be easily damaged.
- Cucumbers germinate and grow best when summer really gets going, this variety is best under glass, unless you have a very warm sheltered out-door site.
- Inadequate or inconsistent moisture causes oddly shaped or poor-tasting fruit. If possible, water your cucumbers with a soaker hose or drip irrigation to keep the foliage dry. This helps prevent leaf diseases that can ruin the plant.
- Train on a trellis or wires to achieve straight fruits.
- Does not need male flowers removed.
- Keep them picked and they’ll keep producing.