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Chinese Cabbage – Wong Bok


Produces large barrel shaped  heads of up to 2.5 kg with crisp light green white ribbed leaves

  • Size: 5 gm

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Chinese Cabbage Wong Bok

Chinese Cabbage Wong Bok. Produces large barrel shaped  heads of up to 2.5 kg with crisp light green white ribbed leaves.

Cultivation Advice Chinese Cabbage Wong Bok

  • Sow thinly from the last frost through to early autumn in rows 2 ft apart covering with 1/4in of soil.
  • Germination takes 5 to 10 days depending on soil and temperature conditions.
  • When plants are 2 to 3 inches tall, thin or transplant, spacing plants 18 inches apart.  Alternatively space at 9-12 inches and harvest alternate plants when young.

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