Celery Golden Self Blanching – Growing Instructions
- Start seed indoors or in the greenhouse in early spring (March) or 10-12 weeks before transplanting outdoors.
- Can also be sown directly outdoors after danger of frost has passed. Cover seed with 0.5cm of fine soil.
- Transplant outdoors late-May to mid-June when weather is warm and settled.
- Thin to 20cm between plants.
- Maturity is 100-120 days from transplant. When seeding directly into garden, add 10-12 weeks.
- Do not expose young plants to temperatures below 12°C for 10 days or more. This will cause them to bolt.
- Celery must be kept well fertilized and watered throughout the season.
- Do not let the soil dry out, indoors or out.
- Celery grows best in deep, rich, well-drained soil.
- Outer stalks can be harvested as plant matures.