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Vegetable Carrot Early Nantes 2


An excellent early maincrop Nantes variety (Tapered stump) which is virtually coreless with good texture, rich colour and superb flavour.  This fast-maturing variety is ideal for early sowing under glass.

2159 in stock

SKU: CAR25 Categories: ,

Carrot Early Nantes 2 – Growing Instructions

  • Dig or till the carrot bed deeply when the soil is on the dry side to avoid making lumps.
  • Work the soil to a fine texture 15-25cm (6-10 in.) deep to allow the carrot roots to grow long and shapely.
  • Avoid freshly-manured soil, which may produce hairy, rough roots and will cause forks and splits;
  • Sow seed thinly in rows, 1cm (1/2 in.) deep, 30-40cm (12-16 in.) between the rows as soon as the danger of hard frost has passed.
  • Thin to 16-20 carrots per 30 cm (1ft.) for fresh eating whilst small and 6-10 carrots per 30 cm (1ft.) for mid-season crops, depending on the root size you want, and keep weeded and watered.
  • Dispose of thinned seedlings to avoid attracting Carrot Fly.
  • As they grow, push soil up over any exposed roots to prevent a green shoulder.

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