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Cabbage Red Acre


This popular deep red compact variety is a heavy producer of tasty round 6-7 inch solid round heads. Vigorous plants are easy to grow, for late summer / early autumn harvesting. The colourful vitamin-rich heads are delicious cooked or raw in salads and coleslaw. 70-80 days to maturity.

1221 in stock

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Cabbage Red Acre

Cabbage Red Acre. This popular deep red compact variety is a heavy producer of tasty round 6-7 inch solid round heads. Vigorous plants are easy to grow, for late summer / early autumn harvesting. The colourful vitamin-rich heads are delicious cooked or raw in salads and coleslaw. 70-80 days to maturity.

Cultivation Advice Cabbage Red Acre

  • Start seed indoors or in greenhouse in early spring (5-7 weeks before planting outdoors).
  • Or plant directly outdoors in mid spring or early summer when last frost has passed.
  • Sow 2-3 seeds together every 12-18 inches. Planting depth 1/8 inch.
  • When seedlings are 1 inch tall thin to one plant every 12-18 inches.
  • Plant cabbage in a sunny location where no cabbage was grown the year before.
  • Keep weed free, moist and protect against pests.

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