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Broccoli Marathon F1


A medium to late maturing variety producing very large fine grained quality blue-green heads with excellent holding ability and good disease resistance. Can be sown in Aug-Sep for a Jun harvest the following year or sown in May for a Sept-Oct Harvest.

391 in stock

SKU: BRO06 Categories: ,

Broccoli Marathon F1

Broccoli Marathon F1. A medium to late maturing variety producing very large fine grained quality blue-green heads. With excellent holding ability and good disease resistance. Can be sown in Aug-Sep for a Jun harvest the following year or sown in May for a Sept-Oct Harvest.

Cultivation Advice Broccoli Marathon F1

  • Sow directly into the garden or trays.
  • Cover seeds with 1/8 inch of fine soil.
  • Keep soil moderately moist during germination.
  • Space plants 18 to 24 inches apart in rows spaced 2 to 3 feet apart depending upon available room.
  • Thin or transplant seedlings when 2 inches tall.
  • Broccoli grows best in a mostly sunny location during the cooler parts of the growing season.
  • Prefers fairly rich soil kept fairly moist.
  • Side shoots can be harvested after cutting main head.

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