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Begonia Tuberous On Top Sunset Shades F1


Begonia Tuberous On Top Sunset Shades is a  stunning, double upward facing tuberous begonia. It delivers large flowers in attractive bi-colours and is excellent in beds and containers. Height: 30cm (12″). Spread: 35cm (14″).

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Begonia Tuberous On Top Sunset Shades F1

Begonia Tuberous On Top Sunset Shades is a  stunning, double upward facing tuberous begonia. It delivers large flowers in attractive bi-colours and is excellent in beds and containers. Height: 30cm (12″). Spread: 35cm (14″).

Cultivation Advice Begonia Tuberous On Top Sunset Shades F1

  • Approx. 20-22 weeks from sowing to flowering from seed.
  • Sow thinly from Dec – March. The seeds /plants are light sensitive and need 12 hrs light per day, therefore early sowing will require artificial light.
  • Surface sow seed and gently press into fine grade seed compost. Do not cover as seed requires light to germinate.
  • Place tray / pot in clear plastic bag or cover with sheet of glass to maintain humidity. Water from beneath by soaking tray.
  • Seeds require a minimum of 25C to germinate which will require a heated mat or propagator.
  • Germination 14-60 days depending on temperature provided.
  • Transplant when large enough to handle into individual pots and grow on under cooler conditions.
  • Plant to container / beds 9-12 Inches apart after all danger of frost has passed.

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