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Beetroot Bulls Blood


A dual purpose variety grow for both its salad leaves and blood ret beets. This beautiful beet has deep reddish-purple leaves, which are very sweet, tender and a very popular addition to salads. The roots are excellent and one of the best harvested as Baby Beet. 35 days till leaf or 58 days to harvest as a root.

412 in stock

SKU: BET01 Categories: ,

Beetroot Bulls Blood – Growing Instructions

  • Sow seeds in situ in Spring after the last frost when the ground has warmed up and then plant successive sowings to early summer.
  • Thinly Sow 1cm deep in rows 30cm apart. Thin seedlings to 5-8cm apart.
  • Early sowings can be made indoors / heated greenhouse in modules / trays and planted out at 5cm tall after all risk of frost has passed.
  • Pre soaking seed in warm water 0.5 – 1 hour before sowing will speed up germination.

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