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Asparagus Pea


An old Heirloom vegetable dating back to “1590”, enjoying a surge in popularity.  The plants are low growing 12-18in and produce stunning brick red flowers which make the plants perfect for the border or allotment.  The pods are best picked young and deliver a unique flavour, a cross between fresh garden peas and asparagus.  Cook whole exactly as you would asparagus.

  • Seed Count: 165

130 in stock

SKU: APP01 Categories: ,

Growing Instructions

  • For earliest harvest sow under cover from March – April with heat provided (65-70F) in 3in pots or spaced in trays.  They will not germinate in cool damp locations.
  • Harden off and plant out after all danger of frost has passed 4 in apart and if in rows with 12in between rows.
  • Can be sown directly outside from May onwards.
  • Support is not essential but may help keep the pods off the soil.
  • The plants prefer well drained soil and a sunny location.
  • The variety does in thrive in cold wet conditions.

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