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Artichoke Italian Violetta Chioggia


A traditional Italian Purple / violet coloured variety which produces an abundance of medium sized globes which have tender, meaty leaves with an excellent delicate artichoke flavour. Also an attractive foliage plant for a border.

SKU: Rng_370966873038 Categories: ,

Artichoke Italian Violetta Chioggia

A traditional Italian purple / violet coloured variety. This plant produces an abundance of medium sized globes which have tender, meaty leaves with an excellent delicate artichoke flavour. Also an attractive foliage plant for a border.

Cultivation Advice Artichoke Italian Violetta Chioggia

  • Sow under cover with warmth provided from late winter to early spring 2-3cm deep 2 seeds per pot. Thin to the strongest seedling. Plant out after all danger of frost has passed, 1m apart, when plants reach 15cm.
  • Can be sown directly outside into soil April to June (when the air temperature is above 15°C) sow 3-5cm deep. (best started in pots)
  • Harvest April to July in the second season.
  • When harvesting the artichoke if there are no secondary heads left, snap the stem off at the base; if there are secondary heads on the stem, cut off the terminal bud together with a short length of stem as this will stimulate secondary shoots which may yield a second crop.
  • In late autumn cut the plants back just above ground level and mulch to protect the crown over winter.

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