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Vegetables to sow in July


July is the month when the garden is thriving and time can be spent enjoying your outside space.

Early crops are ready to be harvested such as broad beans and peas, as well as any early sown quick growing crops such as raddishes and lettuce.

Although growth is now in full flow, seeds can still be sown to secure a successional harvest of vegetables.

Winter vegetable seeds can also be sown, allowing them time to mature ahead of the colder months. It is important to plant out early in the month to give them the best chance of cropping before the first autumn frosts.

Veg to sow this month:

Our priorities:

Our priorities include quick growing crops such as Spinach and Mustard.

Top Varieties:

Explore our selection of our top varieties to begin sowing this month.

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We accept all major credit and debit cards

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