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Kale Black Magic


A new British bred variety of the ever popular Black Tuscan Kale which performs better in our cooler climate with improved cold weather tolerance, colour, leaf shape and higher bolt resistance.

This fast growing vegetable is very suitable for baby salad leaf production and ideal for winter salads, or replacement for spinach when other greens are not available. Cold Hardy.

  • Size: 3 gm

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Kale Black Magic

A new British bred variety of the ever popular Black Tuscan Kale which performs better in our cooler climate with improved cold weather tolerance, colour, leaf shape and higher bolt resistance.

This fast growing vegetable is very suitable for baby salad leaf production and ideal for winter salads, or replacement for spinach when other greens are not available. Cold Hardy.

Cultivation Advice Kale Black Magic

Type:  Annual

Time to Germinate: 5-15 Days

Temperature Required: 13-24°c +

Days to Maturity: 55-65 Days

Light: Full Sun

  • Plant in spring as soon as the ground can be worked or in autumn for an over-winter crop.
  • Sow 1/4 to 1/2″ deep, 1″ apart in rows 18-30″ apart. Thin seedlings to 8-12″ apart which can be transplanted or eaten.
  • Kale germinates best in cool or warm soil temperatures with even moisture.
  • Choose an area with full sun and a soil pH of 6.0-7.0.
  • Enrich the soil with compost or well-rotted manure.
  • Harvest by clipping individual leaves
  • Kale is very hardy and quality actually improves after a frost.

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