Green Manure Trefoil
Green Manure Trefoil is an excellent Nitrogen fixer making it perfect for use as Green manure. It does not like acid soil but will tolerate some shade. Ideally suited for under sowing, for example between rows of sweetcorn, asparagus, beans or soft fruit. This species has a symbiotic relationship with certain soil bacteria, these bacteria form nodules on the roots and fix atmospheric nitrogen. This nitrogen can be used for the benefit of current or future crops by digging in late winter / early spring. (20 Gram per pack is suitable for approximately 10 square metres)
Cultivation Advice Green Manure Trefoil
Type: Hardy Annual
Time to Germinate: 10-14 Days
Temperature to germinate: 15°c +
Position/ Light: Full Sun
Sow outside – April- September
- Thinly broadcast scatter in the late spring to autumn in situ. on turned over weed free soil
- Gently rake into the growing location.
- Germination takes place 10-14 days above 15°c soil temperature.
- Dig the plants into the soil in late winter as a green manure prior to planting future crops.