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Lunaria Honesty new


A popular cottage garden Bi-annual producing fine displays of mauve or white flowers, borne in clusters with a delicate fragrance, extremely popular with butterflies reaching 36” tall.

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Lunaria Honesty

Lunaria Honesty. A popular cottage garden Bi-annual producing fine displays of mauve or white flowers, borne in clusters with a delicate fragrance, extremely popular with butterflies reaching 36” tall.  The main attraction is the silvery, translucent seed heads which are much prized by flower arrangers and give it its common name of ‘Money Plant’.  Blooms from Mar – Apr from a sowing the previous year as a bi-annual.  Will readily self seed if left to fully mature.

 Cultivation Advice Lunaria Honesty

  • Can be sown in trays or drills directly outside.
  • Sow thinly outdoors in late spring-early summer in drills 3mm (1/8in) deep. 30cm (12in) apart.
  • Soil must be kept damp during germination period.
  • Thin and transplant seedlings to at least 6in apart when large enough to handle.
  • In autumn transplant to their final growing position for the following spring.
  • For dried flowers cut the stems bearing seed pods the following early autumn and hang in bunches upside down in a cool airy room to dry.
  • Gently remove the outer seed casing before using them for floral decoration
  • You can scatter the seeds for a wild effect any time of the year.  Best to scatter them a few months apart and thereafter the plants should self seed on their own for many years.

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