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Potter & Plant

Potter and Plant was born out of our love of the garden, while we all know gardens can be a lot of work, they are also a source of great enjoyment and create an opportunity to be outside and connect with nature.

A garden is a place to Potter in, doing the odd job pulling a weed, cutting back something that’s overgrown or simply sitting in a quiet corner and admiring the bees and butterflies. A garden is also all about planting whether on purpose or by nature everything will have been planted at some stage.

We want to make sure that you get the most enjoyment out of your garden and are excited to bring a range of products to help you Potter & Plant in your garden.

Happy gardening!

Add compost improver to give the best start, and remember to feed those plants

We accept all major credit and debit cards

We accept all major credit and debit cards

2025 Premier Seeds Direct

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