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Wild Flower – Silene Dioica (Red Campion)


Red Campion (Silene Dioica) is a low-maintenance perennial wildflower known for its striking rose-red flowers that bloom from late spring to early autumn. This plant is particularly well-suited for lightly shaded areas, thriving in habitats such as woodlands, hedgerows, grassy banks, and roadside verges.

The vibrant flowers also play a crucial role in supporting local ecosystems by attracting various pollinating insects. With its resilience and ability to flourish in diverse conditions, red campion is an excellent choice for gardeners looking to promote wildlife-friendly spaces.

  • Size: 1 gm

90 in stock

SKU: FLM8 Categories: ,

Silene Dioica (Red Campion) – Cultivation Advice

  1. These seeds need to be sown either in the spring (after the danger of frosts) or in the autumn.
  2. Sow seeds indoors onto a moistened growing medium and lightly cover with soil.
  3. Alternatively, sow directly outdoors between April-May by scattering seeds and lightly pressing them into the soil.
  4. Keep newly sown areas consistently watered until the seedlings are established.
  5. Once the seedlings have developed, thin them out to a spacing of approximately 30cm.
  6. Deadhead the flowers if you don’t want them to self-seed.

Sow Indoors: April-May or August-October
Days To Germination: 14-30 days
Optimum Soil Temperature: 15-20 °C
Planting Depth: 6-13mm
Plant Height: 30-60cm
Plant Spacing: 30-45cm
Light: Lightly shaded

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