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Tomato – Principe Borghese (Pictorial Packet)


Producing prolific crops of egg sized deeper than round plum fruits. With a sharper “vine ripened” flavor.


  • Size: 1 gm

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Tomato Principe Borghese Pictorial Packet

Tomato Principe Borghese Pictorial Packet is a popular Italian heirloom variety. Producing prolific crops of egg sized deeper than round plum fruits. With a sharper “vine ripened” flavor. Ideal for salads and sun drying. The plants will benefit from support such as caging. Determinate.  75 days from planting out. This seed is supplied in premium pictorial packets direct from Italy.

Cultivation Advice Tomato Principe Borghese Pictorial Packet 

Cultivation instructions provided on the packet

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We accept all major credit and debit cards

2025 Premier Seeds Direct

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